My Name is Alan Taylor of A Taylor Made Service. I have been a window cleaning for over 15 years. In this time I have used water fed systems for many years I currently have 3, But I have replaced these every 2-3 years. What I’ve found over the years is that there are a few not so desirable character's out there, and a couple times I’ve been bitten. This as cost me time, customers and money.


But now I’m more experienced and have found various people in this field whom I consider trustworthy, provide excellent service and the best products in their industry.  

What I want to do with this site is to help genuine window cleaners like myself to choose the right van and water fed system for themselves. I want to help them avoid the “not so desirable characters.” I also want to save them time, hassle and money. But also I want to make some money. 

I am still only doing this to go alongside my window cleaning business, so can not provide any credit facilities. So this will have to be arranged privately. Full Invoice given when ordered. And receipt given on receipt of money. The colour of the van will be WHITE unless other is requested on order 

Thank you, for looking at this site. And hope you enjoy your purchase

Alan Taylor

A Taylor Made Service


Cash, Postal orders and Cheque payment welcome: Send to address on contact page